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The Youngsters and Their Perception of Life













Anyways everyone was having a good time and so I too went with the flow and started talking to them. The 17 year old guy, whose real name was not disclosed to me, fondly called Chotta Don by his friends, let us know that his father is the DSP in some police station of Panchkula and how by just taking his name he gets his most of the work done in the city. And as curious as I am, I cross questioned him just to get some more information, "Really? In which sector is he functioning? Actually I am from journalism background so I might need his help some time!"

I expected a normal straight forward reply. However, in his boastful manner while thumping his chest, he egoistically said, "My father crushes journalists like you under his foot every other day."

I was taken aback. He was just a 17 year old kid and still studying in a School, I guess.As I was going to put some sense in him, my 23 year old best friend cut me off, "Hey, you would be a loser if you keep on jumping on the basis of your father's name throughout the whole city. No doubt your father might be a big name, but other professions like journalism are also respectable and we should learn to respect each and every person. Be boastful about the things that you do on your own capability."

There was such a huge difference between the two of them. This raised a very provoking question in my mind: On what track is the youth going? So, I thought why not know from the point of view of the youngsters of the city indeed, that how do they view their life and what are their expectations.

However, Sakshi Hooda, a 26 year old city based Interior Designer has a totally different view point as compared to most of the others. "Never in my life did I make a boyfriend or had such a craze. I was always that kind of girl, who would rather prefer going to a Satsang of Sri Sri Ravishankar than a Saturday night party. That is why I think my mind is more at peace than most of my friends. They are much more confused about their lives as according to me, they wasted their lives in thinking more about the materialistic things. They ignored the things that would later on help with setting their mindset right."

Himani Ahuja, 23 year old Psychology student thinks the other way round. "I don't think going to parties, having liquor or even roaming around with a group of completely opposite gender is a wrong doing. In my perspective, we live in a democratic country, so why shouldn't we do whatever we like. As long as it's in limits and not harming the society in a negative way. Also, as the saying goes, 'Excess of everything is bad', we should have fun and enjoyment in our own way but should be restricted to our limits though."

Every youngster has his or her own view point on how they perceive their lives. We are no one to point out the Good or Bad in their opinions as there is no such scale to measure that. However, one should always remember how to remain humble, respect others and create a wonderful life and environment for themselves as well as the others. If our generation is committed towards doing wonderful deeds, it would certainly create an ambience of a harmonious culture. Start young, start big!

A few days back, I had a very thought provoking encounter with a few youngsters that made my mindswoon with lots of questions. Actually, I was with my best friend in our friend's Cafe for hanging out. My best friend suddenly met a group of youngsters of the age group 17-22 (all of them younger than us) whom I believe he knew since his childhood. We eventuallyjoined them on their table and that is when the tryst with my mind and heart on the topic of youth started.
They had planned to drink. Hard drinks, yes alcohol.
Even the 17 year old guy! Official drinking age?

What's that?

Mayank Chadha
Faguni Verma Editor

2 Feb,2017 | Chandigarh

 ® 2017 by The Show-Time

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