Everywhere everyone and in everything all we need is just ONE CHANCE. Ahh! Complicated sentence right? Yes it is! Thus living in this complicated world and its societies with complicated people all around, all we need is just one chance to prove ourselves what actually we are.
Why do the people form that unacceptable image which the other people desperately want them to set up in your mind? Do you know why the people of this world always try to let you down?
Think! Don't you think it is just because of the narrow minded and rigid people living here? Yes this is only the answer. And you know what is making me feel astonished? That the people are breaking and squelching their dreams n career just in the rule and thinking of these narrow minded people!
(Picture by- Mayank Chadha)
Why? Is this theirs life or ours! Or can be that they might have written your destiny? No, no, no, people all we need to do here is just to wake up and go for oneself. We get only one life and no one has a damn right to change the way we are moving ahead.
One should be confident and strong enough to dream and achieve the success by its own. We all have many abilities and also every individual present out there has his or her own speciality, if something is needed to bring that out and prove oneself is just a one chance.
This life is very short and we all know we have many things to achieve and many things to complete, then why you all are dragging yourself into that dark place where all you feel is hopelessness, trapped and paralysed.
Why can't you just for once stand up and shut the mouths of the people and show the real you!? You still have a time you still have a place, so just wake up, ignore the environment and take a chance.
You may achieve everything in just one chance or it might can also take the other chance too. But atleast take a chance and shine your future. Live for yourself and never lose hope. It's never to late to take a chance!
Just go for it and be strong you never know when the door of success opens for you. So just take that one chance and brighten your life. Have a cheerful and happy life ahead. Stay happy stay blessed.