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Really? Would comparing River Ganges to a 'Person' change our Mindsets?

Can a river be glorified with the status of being Human? Can a flowing water body have feelings and emotions just like a human being? Supreme Court of India thinks so. In a recent verdict, River Ganges and Yamuna have been identified as human beings. So, now if any one dares to hurt the sentiments, the case would be taken ahead in the court as comparable to a human being.

So let us talk Green! As soon as the decision was delineated, it became a global trend. The trans- boundary river that is a direct and indirect source of living for millions of people around the world would now bw considered as a Human.

Hema Narayan Photography

Indeed, according to Hindu mythology, river Ganges is a human in fact who was blessed by Hindu God, Shivji.

So, from now on if you smear the river with filth and dirt, you would be punished under the laws just like you did an offence upon a person itself. The Supreme Court of India took the decision following the growing concern of pollution levels in Ganges and Yamuna. The decisoin states that the rivers have the human rightg to live and the humans living around the life offering rivers would have to think of it as the fundamental duty to protect the rivers sa their own. After the groundbreaking move by India, countries like New Zealand soon followed the lead. Perhaps, these kinds of move were necessary to save the lives of the water bodies all around the world as humans started forgetting the real sense that these water bodies provided. Who knows, the Gods in heavens might be assuaged by the ounce of respect that we showed to their gifts.

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