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Colors of Humanity

Picture by Paul E Green

Nobody has the right to judge a person on the basis of caste,creed and religion. Color cannot describe one's inner beauty. This is our creation and we must end it. and stop discriminating. Color of a person is a gift of god. Any type of discrimination is also a type of social evil. We must hit the evils urgently,which will also uphold the provision of our Constitution that prohibits all citizens against discrimination on the grounds of cast, color. Before judging a person just once keep in mind that your judgement can hurt someones morale. End shadeism. Lets join our hands and let shades flourish as a blooming flower in our society. So to encourage and keep on flowing with the colors of life we need to add positivity and morals to ourself and let the freedom of humans enact in the world and let peace prevail on the earth. White or black can't define us we are grey, and humanity strives to uphold and let people live their lives without the fear of color or caste discrimination.

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