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Government's Scheme, namely Adarsh Schools failing constantly

Photo Mayank Chadha

Today, Adarsh School P.P.P (Public Private Partnership) Teachers Union took to the media, the scams and frauds that are undertaken by the present day government to eliminate the education and the education givers. A few of the private companies that are specifically running the schools under Punjab Government's new scheme to provide education to the students who are economically weaker section and are meritorious have not been paying salaries to the teachers since long. The scheme that ensured that the private companies would pay 30% of the expenses and the rest 70% would be incurred by the Punjab government itself. There are various kinds of scams that have been running throughout the schemes. In 2012, an audit report by Kahan Singh Pannu said that the 19 schools that are under the scheme are fraud and the remaining 5 Adarsh schools run by Bharti Airtel are working satisfactorily. Now, with the change in government in the State of Punjab, the school authority of FCS Adarsh School, Baladkhurd have recieved an unauthorised mail from the Government asking to close out the school due to shortage of funds and incompetency to pay for the school kid's fee and teachers salaries that too without any notice. "I along with three other teachers in the school objected to this decision. But, then the three male teachers were terminated from school by the Principal on the fake charges of molesting and the one female staff member was terminated on the basis of not taking on to a second class. There is the education of around 2000 children in question and many teachers losing on their jobs. They weren't paying equally to the teachers of all schools before and now without warning closing out the schools. Many companies are showing fake students and teachers and expenses that have been raised by various audit reports with time. But, after complaints and raising up of the issues to the concerned authorities and MLA's of the constituencies, this matter is not being highlighted at all and no action is taken up till now. We want justice, we want that the grants that have been granted to the P.P.P should be equally distributed without any corruption and the teachers and schools should not be closed at all', says the Union Member, Vineet Kumar.

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