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T.K RUBY is the new 'DIFFERENCE' in District 3080 of ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

What if all of the 3400 Rotary members of District 3080 fosters one orphan, see how much difference they can make? This is the thought that was provoked by the newly installed Governor of the area, T.K Ruby. A business tycoon by profession, this man shared his heart's content on what all can be done by him in his new role in a media interaction at Holiday Inn, Panchkula.

On the way to make some difference, Ruby, addressed the media persons saying, "I need your suggestions and advice on how can I further improve the area other than working on the Internal theme. I am determined to create a difference and strengthen the clubs furthermore."

Sharing one of his idea that he intends to implement, the pharmaceutical company head said, "A lot of old age homes have members whose children leave them due to difficult circumstances. I want the rotarians to work out on how to find the children of these old people as it would be the greatest gift for them. I want families to acknowledge the importance of their parents and not to leave them alone at the times of need. So, I would want to unite these families and see the smiles on those wrinkled faces who have been waiting to see their kids faces' since long."

Wishing him best wishes for the future endeavours!

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