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This Himachali Girl's First Bollywood Song gets 500k+ views in just 3 Days

Shilpa Joshi, a confident and self-reliant person, has her first Bollywood debut song, 'Pehla Pyar' released on 30th July for which she was in town on Monday for promotional event. This himachali girl's journey to be a singer is quite an eventful one.

Hails from Shimla-Mandi side, she has her musical vibes instilled in her from her father who wanted her to be an IAS officer but supported her on her different track. Being a naughty and joyful girl since her childhood, Shilpa Joshi finally pursued her dream after long wait.

"I was working in an MNC sine eight years. But, then I thought I should go ahead with singing at last and left the job last year. My family, my father who raised me and my sister single handedly since my childhood, all supported my decision and my new found passion."

Already turning down a lot of movie offers, Shilpa gives the reason, "A person whose real life is filled with so many emotions and acts, there was no need felt to do it in front of the camera."

Having no prior singing base but learning the art before putting a step forward in the mainstream pop singing, Shilpa added, "I had to go through a lot of dubbing sessions and I was being pinched up that your song would be out, it has been taken up Zee Music and things like that. Finally, when the song came out, I was the happiest person so as to see my hard work being paid off and to be associated with Zee, it was a big thing."

About the social media hate-love theory, she says, "People are loving the song and my voice. I have been swarmed up with warm messages and wishes on all my social media. Yes, there are people who don't like the song, but I don't think about them much. It is a part of the job."

"Working with Kunal Jai Singh in the video was an awesome experience!", Shilpa claims excitedly, "He is unlike other TV actors. A very down to earth and decent man, Kunal is. He okayed all his shots in just one take but it took me 3-4 takes to complete one shot. However, it was a fun shoot. Although, I had never faced the camera before and had never took any acting classes, I think I did a wonderful job and that is why more than 400k people viewed it."

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