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This Bollywood Actor Leads to Display the 'C-Word'

Emraan Hashmi, the Bollywood actor who is recently waiting for his release of 'Baadshaho' is also on road to an offbeat project that seems to be close to his heart. He is planing on to make a documentary on cancer that is tentatively titled, The C-Word. It would be written, researched, produced and documented in amalgamation with Manish Hariprasad of Owlet Films (former Creative Head of UTV and Red Chillies Entertainment) and Bilal Siddiqi, co-author of his book: The Kiss Of Life.

Emraan Hashmi (Photo by Lisa D'sousa)

Fighting for his son, Ayaan's cancer, Hashmi detected many hurdles and barriers in India related to cancer that he is willing to showcase to the Indians. He want to showcase all the aspects visually now that his book reached its target audience and conveyed the message properly. Ayaan when three was diagnosed with Wilm's tumor, a rare condition of the kidneys. Emraan and his wife dealt with the dilemma psychologically as well as medically to beat their son's cancer, who is now living a healthy life. In the book, he has explained how he inacted as a superhero in his son's life to make Ayaan understand his condition and to deal with the treatment bravely "It was important to tell my son there's something inside him that can be treated." For the documentary, the actor revealed that he would have to travel, the whole of the India to explain the symptoms and the treatment options on the preliminary stages and wants to end the stigma attached to the illness, "A lot of women from cities and villages tend to ignore the symptoms of breast cancer. A lot of women even feel ashamed to talk about it which rather leads to delay in their treatment", the actor told a Mumbai Tabloid. Also, this move would help put a real scenario in front of the government to divert its attention to the cause and primary health care facilities in India, "India contributes about 1-1.5% of its GDP to public health care which is way less than the needed. Even a populated country like China imparts three times more!", reveals an exasperated Emraan. Beyond this, the documentary would focus on having a psychological department to ensure the mental and emotional health of the family and the patients.

Photo by Lisa D'sousa

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