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'Closest thing to a living saint' certified this Chandigarhian Mental Wellness Coach

Mental health and wellness is an aspect ignored on daily basis by us. Whereas there's one woman who wants to de-stress people and relax their mind through, 'Nirvana', who is, Pooja.

Pooja (Photo Uday Khanna)

A study has shown that Yoga, a form to de-stress can cure breast cancer. And World Cancer Report shows more women being targeted to this vicious ailment. So, the dire need of a wellness coach is established by Pooja, who has her centre in Sector-22, Chandigarh to coach the urban women and men of the region about the mental health and wellness.

The mental wellness coach only makes you realise the true cause and path to Become de stressed and healthy mentally first and eventually holistically healthy mentally,physically and spiritually too.

Nirvana, is all about to enlighten the transformation of extremely stressed out women to a calm personality all together.

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