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Life goes on! Just like the game of chess...

While roaming in the election stricken Himachal Pradesh, we caught a glimpse of two young men playing chess in the midst of the Himachal valley. The intense game went on for an hour or so. But, the game taught so much about life too.

Yes, life is a struggling phase, just like one wrong move can get your pawns killed, same way one wrong move in your life can in return bestow hardships. But, this part and parcel of life, as it is infamously said.

Picture Credits- Mayank Chadha

Get your pawn killed first and then kill your opponent's queen and end the game over there. But, it might not be the game over, your opponent might pull off a trick that can deceive your perception, just like the game of life has to offer us.

Although, at the end the worthy one wins over. You have to think ahead of your current situation whether in the game of chess or in life. Be smart and think beyond what you can see currently.

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