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The never ending culture of ‘Punjabi Juti’

These are evergreen foot ware used mostly in the punjabi culture moreover people from different culture opt. to wear them and have a enhanced version to add to their dressing. Fashion never ends and these are the hipe for people that simply describes their culture and tradition.

Credits- Megha Kochhar

These define the love towards the culture and ethnicity. Basically found in north India and made in different parts of the country in different styles and patterns. The history of these jutti’s started 400 years ago and still continues with vibrating modules. More over it gives high definition to people and are traded in different sections of the society. These are not only made for women but men also add it to give a complete look to their dressing. The fascinating Colors of them are the gift of nature that remain the same anyhow this picture was taken in ‘Kasauli’ by me and the visit was tremendous and has never ending memories.

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