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The biggest celebrity wedding of the year #Virushka finally happened!

Even before it was confirmed by the couple themselves, the news was still a rumour that Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are really marrying. But on Tuesday, the couple's wedding was a social media affair that no one could miss out!

Insta @anuskhasharma

Soon, the social media feeds started filling up with the most enchanting pictures of what looked like as their fairytale wedding that happened in one of the most romantic countries, Italy.

The Baraatis and the guests who were just the closed ones for the couple, had shared the videos and pictures from the weding that was kept as an extremely private affair for both of them.

Many celebrities and friends congratulated on the wedding of the year of Virushka who finally made their relationship offivial in front of the world and giving us major #couplegoals on their big day. Cute moments like Virat singing for his bride, Anushka wearing a red choods in her arms, Anushka's bridal exit and much more kept everyone hooked to their updates.

We certainly congratulate the couple with loads of best wishes and good luck in their upcoming married life.

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