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Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson gets his own Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star

Hollywood has been known for its infamous 'Walk iof Fame' and the recent in line, getting this phenomenal achievement is WWE's The Rock and Hollywood's fvaorite, Dwayne Johnson.

The actor felt ecstatic at the idea of recieving this feat and shared his heartfelt message with his fans on his Instagram account.

His caption stated, "Symbolic and full circle. 18yrs ago when I first broke into Hollywood, I knew nothing about acting or the business of Hollywood. Nothing.

The only thing I knew and was 100% committed to was surrounding myself with good hard working people and the hard work I was willing to put in with my own two hands.

I wanted to win, but I was willing to fail, because I knew that my effort was the only thing I could always control. And if I got my ass kicked and failed but gave great effort, I’d always come out the other side a better man.

Here we are today, 18yrs later... these same two hands (with more callouses) touching this symbolic cement.

My heart is full of GRATITUDE for my family, loved ones and everyone on my team who touches this with me.

I’m a very grateful man.

And we’re just getting started... "

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