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Canada and US experience gripping cold amidst Weather Bomb

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Winters is a super charming weather that lets you appreciate the sun and its warmness. However, right now as you read this, citizens of Canada and USA are facing a cold lash that is taking the temperatures in both the countries below -50 degree Celsius.

First, the Niagara Falls froze up and then the pictures all around both the countries rounded up on social media for the world to look at how nasty the freezing cold and snow can be. Life has been put on hold in highly freezing areas for the populations to be safe.

USA has experienced such a devastating fall in temperature after 133 years. In Canada, temperatures approaching minus 50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit) were forecast in northern Ontario and Quebec. The eastern United States and Canada shivered under record-breaking low temperatures Saturday as Arctic blasts followed a deadly winter storm that left airports struggling to cope with the backlog of flights.

The governments has warned the citizens against frost bite that can happen very quickly on the exposed skin if proper measures are not to be taken care of. As if the temperatures weren't already dipping crazily, Storm Grayson or the Weather Bomb has also been expected to hit both the countries amidst this terrifying weather atmosphere.

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