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"Cars are becoming faster and faster and we are getting old"- says Amanpreet Ahluwalia

Last year's winner of Maruti Suzuki Autocross, Amanpreet Ahluwalia is pretty confident to defend his title this year too in Maruti Suzuki Autoprix. Racing in Gypsy Class, Amanpreet has been following up his passion since '18 odd years' in his words and is already feeling old after representing India in International titles. Amanpreet is looking completely looking forward to be a part of the finals to be held in BIC, Noida. A sport that gives this Delhite, an adrenaline rush, gives an insight to this thrilling sport and his experience with the machines. On defending his Title

"Technology is changing. Cars are becoming faster and faster and we are becoming old. But, yes its a good competition this year. I am running in Gypsy class and it's a great feel. Obviously, I would want to defend my title." On the danger turn of motorsports "Any kind of motorsport is a dangerous one. I myself take part in racing, carting and rallying and they have the kick that we wait for the whole year. But, the orhaisers take in consideration our security. There's a scrutiny bay over here in Autoprix for the amateur drivers. The technicalities of every vehicle is checked. Things like medical support and ambulances are available. Every car should be well-equipped. " On representing India internationally

"Oh yes, last year only I represented India after winning Autocross. We were only two drivers from India and with the accreditation of FMSCI. It was the Gymkhana Championship. The championship was held in Indonesia and the third round is in Taiwan but as Autoprix is my home competition, I preferred to be a part of it rather than being in Taiwan." On motorsports being a sport for wealthy "Yes, this sport is for the wealthy. It involves a lot of money. But, I am following my passion since 18 odd years. Ypu need a good backing up in this sport. This is an expensive sport and a lot of people around the country are putting in their money in it."


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