World record made by Tilak Tanwar in 20 hours
Indians also try to reach up the no mans land as other country people by naming themselves amongst the achievers of Guinness World Records and one such man is Tilak Tanwar who recently proved his feat.
The acclaimed writer and speaker, broke the Guinness World Record and Unique World record for giving 28 speeches in 20 hours in four states with around 1600 participants. The previous World records were under the name of Frenco from Canada. He provided his speeches in six different languages. The States that Tanwar covered during his journey were, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh.
He officialy started up with this effort on midnight of 5th October and became the record holder on the night of 6th October. He dedicated this win to his mother. For the record to be broken, Tanwar claims that an overall team had to work for 36 hours continuosly in preparation.