Foundation stone laid in Sector - 22, Shastri Market on Friday by area councilor, Mr. Ravikant Shar
Big bins surrounded by heaps of garbage will soon be a thing of past for Chandigarh as installa on of first under- ground bin begins in Shastri Market, Sector -22 Chandigarh. This bin is being donated to Municipal Corpora on Chandigarh (MCC) by Lion Services Limited as a near in providing integrated facilities management and mechanized road sweeping solu ons across India is currently responsible for clean- ing of Southern Chandigarh.
This is the first underground bin being installed in the en- re Punjab and Chandigarh region and has been manu- factured in India by a brand named EcoGreen. Shastri Market is one of the busiest markets in the city and LSL in collabora on with MCC felt it to be the most apt place to begin the project. Applauding the initiative taken by Lion Services Limited, area councilor, Mr. Ravikant Sharma said, “It’s definitely a proud moment for us and takes us a step further towards our smart city objective. We are thank- ful to Lion Services Limited for taking this ini a ve and bringing this groundbreak- ing technology to city beau- ful. We feel that this endeavor will make Chandi- garh a role model for other nearby municipal corpora- ons and inspire them to adopt similar sanitation practices"